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Giving new life to old tech


Let's make a difference together.

We're here to make a difference by collecting and recycling unused devices from businesses. Our goal is to extend the life of these machines and reduce electronic waste, one laptop at a time.


In 2022 an estimated 480,000 tons of
e-waste was created in the UK*

Join our movement to help a sustainable future


In 2022 an estimated 480,000 tons of
e-waste was created in the UK*

Join our movement to help a sustainable future


Join us in our efforts to reduce electronic waste and make a positive impact on the environment.

At Tech Salvage, we're passionate about collecting and refurbishing laptops to give them a second chance at life. We understand that many businesses often have old or unused laptops that they don't know what to do with. Instead of letting these devices collect dust or, worse, end up in a landfill, we provide an eco-friendly solution that benefits both the environment and the community.


Our collection process is simple and hassle-free.

All you need to do is box up your old laptops, and we arrange for the Post Office to pick them up; they even bring the label. We also understand the importance of safeguarding your confidential information and take every possible step to ensure it remains secure; this is why you keep the hard drives, so all your sensitive data stays with you.


Keeping your data safe

To keep your data safe we recommend removing all hard drives before collection, but we understand this may not be possible.

If this is the case, we remove all hard drives upon receipt and send them to a destruction specialist ( Their service puts your hard disk drive through our state-of-the-art shredding machine to securely and safely destroy the device; your hard drive turns from a solid-state unit into crushed 5mm pieces.

Once shredded, the raw metals consisting of steel, aluminium, and PCB boards are sent for recycling in the United Kingdom.

This service includes:

  • Secure Destruction & Recycling of Hard Disk Drive
  • Certificate of Destruction